Skip to contentWe won’t forget pets are one of our family members. SENS Pet is experienced in taking photos for you and your pets in order to record the uniqueness and warmness of the relationship.
SENS Pet 透過「光」和「影」將主人和寵物間之親密互動記錄下來;不同角度攝出不同感受,每一個珍貴的時刻,都將成為日後可見的美好回憶!
$8,288.00 $4,680.00
Pet photography is a fun way to capture your pet’s most interesting moments. It’s also a wonderful way to encapsulate the love between the pet and the owner. Bringing a pet into your life is a lifelong commitment, they are also a part of the family. We provide a studio setting with attention-grabbing props and accessories so you and your pet can have fun together while we photograph.
寵愛在於點點滴滴,用光和影留下你和牠的每個溫馨細節… 撫養寵物是一生一世的承諾,寵物在主人心中就像是親生兒女。在特大的拍攝空間中,牠可以無拘無束,自由地與你玩樂。攝影師會為你紀錄低最自然溫馨的畫面。